The Air which God provided for breathing can Kill us


God has created earth and Man kind. He also gave the air to breathe. But right now Man kind is spoiling the air. The air which we breathe can right now kill us. Recently Pollution Control Board (PCB) said that the pollution in Delhi has been recorded as 500 units and this is the maximum ever. 

This also means that it is more than 18 times the safe level. This is not just Delhi. The main reason for pollution in Delhi is caused by industrial waste and vehicular pollution. The number of trucks have been increased drastically and most of the trucks use a mixture of Kerosene and Diesel to save money. 

This is one of the worst reasons to spoil the environment. The power plants which are being constructed within city limits is technically another reason. The dangerous gases which are emitted contribute to the more pollution. 

A statistics report says, most of the pollution is caused by Road dust, then industries and finally vehicles. Another report says more than 10000 people die due to the pollution levels. Sad thing is none of the Government or PCB is taking steps to reduce it. God's air is just killing each of us now.

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