Buy happiness with money now..!!

Sindujaa D N
This is a charm that once again proves that money is everything. A study says that if happiness can be found in the market, it will definitely be found if money is in hand. The heart of a poor person is full of sorrows, while the heart of a rich person touches the blue clouds and cheers.  Elders said that happiness is half the strength. Where does that happiness come from money?

 If there is any doubt, the famous economist Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman has done a remarkable research on this and given it to the whole world with complete clarity. He expressed the great truth that happiness is not found anywhere, boy.. It is in the currency in your pocket. They also left out that the secret behind saying money is money is the same. No matter how much money you have, where can you buy happiness? It is hard to see this research as idle words. The essence of Daniel Kahneman's research is that the higher the income, the higher the happiness. He insists that this is a proven truth.

He also did an excellent study on this. If he conducted this research on Americans between the ages of 18 and 65, he got interesting results. Many of them say that yes money means full happiness. Thus, if he conducted a research on 33391 Americans, the majority of them said that money is the source of everything with great philosophical thought. That is, Daniel says that they all have the economic principle that if they have enough money, they can find it anywhere. But this too has a twist. That is, there are those who say that they are happy that the Americans are earning more than four crores per year according to the calculations of our indian currency, but the sufferings do not leave them.

This number is said to be fifteen percent of the total studied. That means no matter how much money they have, Khushi is not in life. This should also be considered seriously. But this is the world of material pleasures. All those pleasures also come with money. Those who think they can do anything with money are the ones who suffer the most. So the conclusion of Daniel's research is that you need a pocket full of money to buy happiness. Daniel's research does not need to tell you how much happiness income brings if you remember the old saying that he who has no money begs for money. So happiness is not half strength but full strength but money must be full. This is the new economic principle.

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