Security concerns between india and Myanmar!Relations between india and Myanmar have been turbulent in the last few years. After the military coup in Myanmar in 2021, the political situation there has become unstable and this has affected the relations between the two countries. Thousands of people from Myanmar have arrived to seek refuge in india, especially in the states of Mizoram and Manipur. This situation has made india feel the need to strengthen the security system on the Myanmar data-border.
The aim of the new guidelines is that people coming across the data-border enter India without any dangerous purpose and follow the local laws. Through these guidelines, the government of india wants to control the movement of Myanmar citizens, so that any kind of security threat can be avoided.
Future direction
The data-border between india and Myanmar is a sensitive area, where social, cultural and family relationships are deeply rooted. The FMR system had simplified and facilitated cross-data-border travel for many years. Now, under the new guidelines, the government of india is trying to control this travel,so that security can be ensured and illegal activities can be prevented.
Although, this arrangement may cause some inconvenience to the local people, but this important step has been taken to strengthen data-border security. In the future, if the situation normalises and peace is restored in Myanmar, these guidelines may be relaxed further. For now, under these new rules, people will be able to cross the data-border with greater caution than before.