Agriculture will get this much support from the budget!

Agriculture will get this much support from the budget!
To fulfill the dreams of a developed india, this time the government of india can also open the treasury of the budget towards farms and farming. The share of agriculture may be less in the indian economy or GDP, but even today it is the basis of most employment. The government can make provisions in the budget to promote maximum exports of the agriculture sector, which is called the backbone of India. Therefore, the government may be kind to increasing productivity, technology upgradation and expansion of infrastructure in the agriculture sector. Looking at the demand of the farmers, the initiatives of the government in recent times and the continuous statements of the ruling party, it seems so.
The strategy is to boost the entire economy by increasing rural income
According to the report of Economic Times, the strategy of the government of india is to boost the overall economy by increasing rural income. For this, the government is working on a long-term strategy to develop agriculture-related sectors and promote agriculture-based exports. This will also help farmers grow food to earn foreign currency for the country instead of just filling their stomachs. This strategy also includes expansion of irrigation facilities in the country. This will increase productivity by equipping those lands where irrigation facilities have not yet been provided with irrigation facilities.
Focus will be on skill development of rural workforce
Many provisions can be made in the budget to implement the strategy of giving a booster dose to the rural economy through agriculture. For this, the agriculture budget can also focus on promoting skill development of the rural workforce. While the government wants to ensure maximum income from agriculture by developing the skills of the rural workforce, it also wants to focus on expanding the economy in economic activities in the allied sectors of agriculture. This will provide many ways of income to the rural workforce by giving the same amount of time.