Do you know how much donald trump will earn?
It is known that Republican candidate donald trump is going to be sworn in as the new President of the united states shortly. What will the salary and allowances of the President of the united states be like at this time? A discussion has come to the fore about whether the head of a superpower will have a higher salary than all the heads of state in the world. It is known that donald trump is going to be sworn in as the head of the superpower America soon. At this time, a discussion has started on the salary and allowances and other facilities that donald trump will receive. In this order, Trump's salary after becoming the President of the united states is 4 lakh dollars per year. That is... an honorarium of Rs. 3.46 crore in indian currency. trump receives a salary of about Rs. 30 lakh every month. The same amount is being given as salary to the US President from 2021. In this context, there are chances that this will continue for trump as well.

America may be the world's biggest country, it can be called a superpower, but... they say that this is less in the case of a head of state. Because... while the annual salary of the prime minister of singapore is Rs. 13.85 crore.. the salary of the Chief Executive of the hong kong government is Rs. 6 crore! At the same time... the annual salary of the President of switzerland is Rs. 4.93 crore.. while the annual salary of the President of australia is said to be Rs. 3.57 crore. At this time... the US President will have many additional facilities and amenities along with his salary! As part of this... Rs.43 lakh as personal and office duty allowance. Rs.86 lakh for travel expenses. Rs.16 lakh as entertainment allowance. Rs.86 lakh for white house decoration expenses are given to the US President every year. If all these are added to the annual salary, the total amount is about Rs.4.92 crore. The President is provided with accommodation facilities, air Force One flight service, an armed luxury car, and Marine One service. Along with this, he is provided with US Secret service protection. The government also bears the medical expenses. After the completion of his term, a pension of about Rs.2 crore and free medical treatment are provided.