How did the figure of 18 percent swing voters come to light?
It is believed that the electoral axis of delhi is revolving around these 18 percent swing voters. In the 2019 lok sabha elections, aam aadmi party got 18.1 percent votes. bjp got 56.8 and congress got 22.5 percent votes. In the 2020 assembly elections, the picture was reversed. aam aadmi party got 53.8 percent votes. bjp got 38.7 and congress got 4.3 percent votes. In the 9-month gap from the 2019 lok sabha elections to the 2020 assembly elections, aam aadmi party gained 35.7 percent in the assembly as compared to the Lok Sabha. Whereas bjp lost 18.1 and congress lost 18.2 percent. That is, about 18 percent voters who went to bjp and congress in the lok sabha decided to go with the aam aadmi party in the assembly elections.
2014 lok sabha and 2015 assembly results
Apart from this, if we look at the 2014 lok sabha and 2015 delhi assembly elections, in the 2014 lok sabha elections, aam aadmi party got 32.9 per cent votes, bjp got 46.4 and congress got 15.1 per cent votes. Whereas in the 2015 assembly elections, aam aadmi party got 54.5, bjp got 32.2 and congress got 9.7 per cent votes. aam aadmi party gained 21.6 per cent votes while bjp lost 14.1 and congress lost 5.4 per cent. That is, in both the assembly elections, the number of votes that bjp and congress lost compared to the lok sabha elections was credited to Aam Aadmi Party's account.
Who are these 18 per cent swing voters?
On an average, 18 per cent voters were seen forming different opinions in the lok sabha and assembly elections. Now the question arises that who are these 18 per cent voters? These 18 percent voters include poor, lower socio-economic class, sc and minority community voters. In such a situation, it is believed that the key to power is in the hands of these 18 percent swing voters. Let us tell you that this entire analysis has been prepared on the basis of the results of the last lok sabha and assembly elections. In such a situation, the picture of the 2025 assembly elections can also be different from this.