Know about Jagdeep Singh’s salary..?
Perhaps whenever the world's highest paid CEO is mentioned, people often think of big names like satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai and Elon Musk. However, these names do not stand anywhere in front of the person we are going to tell you about now. We are talking about jagdeep Singh of indian origin. jagdeep Singh's annual salary is Rs 17,500 crore. That is, he earns around Rs 48 crore a day. Let's know about him in detail.
Meanwhile jagdeep Singh is an Indian-origin entrepreneur who founded a company called QuantumScape in 2010. This company works on solid-state batteries for electric vehicles (EV). Their batteries have revolutionized the EV industry. Reducing charging time and increasing energy efficiency are the biggest features of their batteries. Such contributions in the field of innovation earned him global recognition. Talking about jagdeep Singh's education and experience, according to reports, he has a BTech degree from Stanford university and an MBA degree from the university of California. After this, he worked in many big reputed companies and also started his own company. His hard work and foresight made QuantumScape not only a successful business but also the new definition of technology innovation.
Moreover jagdeep Singh's company, QuantumScape, was listed on the US stock market in 2020. The company's valuation rose rapidly due to the massive support from investors. Singh's salary package included shares worth $2.3 billion, taking his annual income to close to Rs 17,500 crore. This salary not only makes him the highest paid person in the industry but also shows the specialty of the work he does.