Kimbal Musk was always fond of eating and cooking good food

frame Kimbal Musk was always fond of eating and cooking good food

S Venkateshwari

Perhaps whenever there is talk of the richest people in the world, the name of tesla and Starlink owner Elon Musk will definitely be included in it. Everyone knows Elon Musk, who built the empire of space business and electric vehicles, but do you know about his brother Kimbal Musk? Let us tell you everything about his life today. Elon Musk's brother Kimbal Musk was born in 1972 in Pretoria, South Africa. His mother, Maye Musk, was a model and dietician and his father, Errol Musk, was an electromechanical engineer and property developer. Kimbal completed his schooling in south africa and then moved to Kingston, Ontario, canada with his brother Elon. He earned a business degree from Queen's university and started his career after graduation in 1995.

Meanwhile Kimbal worked with Elon Musk in the technology sector. In 1994, he started a software company called Zip2, which was later sold to Compaq for $307 million. After this, Kimbal was also involved in (which later became PayPal). Apart from this, Kimbal also worked with his brother in big brands like SpaceX and Chipotle. However, later he left this line and turned towards his love i.e. cooking.

Moreover Kimbal was always fond of eating and cooking good food. This is the reason why he founded Kitchen Restaurant Group along with his first wife Jane Levin. Later he married Christiana Wiley, who is an environmental activist and daughter of billionaire sam Wiley. Even today, Kimbal's Kitchen Restaurant Group runs in many cities of America and is known for its great food. Let us tell you, Kimbal Musk has learned cooking at the French Cooking Institute in New York. Kimbal believes that cooking is not just a hobby for him, but a means of connecting people.

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