Opposition's Hypocrisy Exposed In Maharashtra..!?
The recent maharashtra Assembly elections have once again brought to the forefront the opposition's tendency to question the integrity of Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) when the electoral results don't favor them. A notable instance in Markadwadi village, Solapur, highlights this phenomenon, where locals, dissatisfied with the election outcome, attempted to conduct an illegal "re-election" using ballot papers. The irony lies in the fact that the EVM was introduced by the congress party itself, yet it has become their primary scapegoat. Villagers have pointed out this hypocrisy, emphasizing that the opposition is challenging democracy itself. Moreover, no objections were raised when the maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) won the lok sabha elections using the same EVMs.
Ultimately, it's essential for leaders to respect the democratic process and focus on governance rather than grievances. The voters have made their choice, and it's time to move forward.