CM Yogi Adithyanath’s instructions for road safety
Reportedly the cm said that special attention needs to be paid to ensure that minors are not able to operate e-rickshaws and other vehicles. The registration process of e-rickshaws should be done smoothly. The chief minister said that signage should be installed on the roads compulsorily, so that people can also have ease in commuting. He said that overloading is not tolerated at all. It should be stopped at the starting point itself. Loaded vehicles are also parked on expressways and highways, which cause accidents. These vehicles should be removed through cranes. people should be motivated by running awareness programs to adopt helmets, seat belts and other standards of road safety.
Perhaps the chief minister said that if a vehicle is challaned repeatedly, action should be taken for license/permit cancellation etc. This action should be compulsorily linked to Fastag. Hoardings appealing from the departments related to information, transport and road safety should be installed. It should also be installed outside all 75 districts, 350 tehsils, 1500 police stations and all municipal bodies. Pedestrians/common people should be made aware that they should not run away after seeing an accident, but should take the injured to the nearest hospital or trauma center within the golden hour. Minimize the response time of ambulances.
Moreover the chief minister said that road safety parks should be built in every district on the lines of road safety clubs in schools and colleges. Drama, music, poetry, essay, seminar, speech, general knowledge competitions should be organized on topics related to traffic rules by connecting school children with road safety awareness programs. The chief minister said that regular health check-up of the drivers of the buses of the Transport Corporation should be done compulsorily. The fitness of the buses should also be taken care of. The cm said that street vendors should be established by creating vending zones in every body. There should be no illegal stands anywhere on the roads, space should be created for them. Modified silencers and horns should be banned from bikes to prevent noise pollution. Illegal operation of buses causes accidents. Non-contracted buses should be registered and given fixed routes. This will improve connectivity and will also provide convenience to the general public.