Two girls missing from home, bodies found in a drum

frame Two girls missing from home, bodies found in a drum

Sudha Subbiah

A heartbreaking incident has come to light from pune, Maharashtra. Two little girls aged 8 and 9 years went missing from Rajguru nagar city of pune yesterday (Wednesday, 25 December) afternoon. On wednesday night, their bodies were found in a drum in a building.

Both the sisters went missing while playing near the house on wednesday afternoon. When the family members searched for them, they were nowhere to be found. After this, every building, road, lane was searched. At night, the bodies of both the girls were found in a drum near a building near Rajguru nagar city.

Suspicion of rape of girls

Looking at the condition of the bodies, it is suspected that the girls have been raped. Rajguru nagar police have sent the bodies of both the girls to Sasoon Hospital for post-mortem and further investigation is going on in the case.

The age of both the sisters is said to be 8 and 9 years. A chef lives above the house of the victim family. police investigation has revealed that he has murdered these sisters. This chef lured both the sisters to his house and there he tried to rape one of the sisters. The girl resisted and started screaming. Fearing getting caught, the accused killed one of the sisters and then he killed the other sister too.

Waiting for the postmortem report

After this, to dispose of the bodies, he kept them in a drum near the building near the house. Rajguru nagar police had initially registered a case of kidnapping. This shocking incident came to light during the investigation. The accused chef has been arrested in this case. The bodies of the sisters are in Sasoon Hospital in pune for the postmortem report. Only after the report comes, it will be clear what actually happened.

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