China Says One Thing, Does Another – Who’s Surprised?

Sindujaa D N

Ah, the sweet sound of diplomatic assurances! Once again, we have had a round of talks with our neighbors to the north, where all parties left the table bathed in the warm glow of camaraderie. After all, when has china ever given us a reason to doubt its intentions? A true friend, china is committed to the sacrosanct principles of saying one thing and doing… well, something else entirely.

So here we are, celebrating what appears to be a “win-win”—a favorite diplomatic phrase that makes everything sound like we just found world peace, all over a handshake. Multiple rounds of Corps Commander-level and Working Mechanism for Consultation & Coordination (WMCC) meetings were held, and each ended with a reassuringly vague communique. The meetings? “Cordial.” The atmosphere? “Positive.” The resolution? To “work together.” Truly, we’ve hit the jackpot of diplomatic breakthroughs here.

It’s hard not to admire the poetic dance that ensues after each meeting. The communiques give off that familiar aura of “good times are just around the corner,” providing an endless loop of hope for a peaceful tomorrow. Surely, this time, china will respect the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Why wouldn’t they? We have so many carefully crafted agreements already.

And let’s not forget the benefits of sitting down with a partner who has a time-tested track record for ambiguity. With each discussion, we gain an invaluable opportunity to better “understand each other’s concerns.” We should treasure these moments, as we watch those points of “divergence” magically shrink. Our leaders commend the progress, setting the stage for a “win-win” solution. Surely, if we keep trying to understand each other’s “concerns” for another five decades, the LAC might finally settle down into a predictable, fixed line.

So, yes, while we bask in the glory of these polite, cheerful, and utterly substantive dialogues, we should continue our celebrations—albeit with just a sprinkle of caution. But, really, what’s the worst that could happen?

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