Teenmar Mallanna wants to trample Revanth Reddy..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Teenmar Mallanna wants to trample revanth Reddy..!?
* Teenmar Mallanna scolding congress leaders.
* Vow to defeat ministers.
* Announcement that he will protest on the road against the Congress.
There is turmoil in the telangana Congress. Already unable to implement 6 guarantees. revanth Reddy's government is facing a lot of difficulties. Farmers are on the road saying that revanth Reddy's utter fluff is also in the matter of loan waiver. In this context, congress has been dealt another blow. congress party MLC Teenmar Mallanna has issued a warning to the party leaders. Teenmar Mallanna is giving a warning to the congress leaders after winning through that party's ticket. A recent meeting of bc leaders was held in the warangal district. This meeting was held with the demand to give reservations to 42 percent of BCs in telangana state. On this occasion, Teenmar Mallanna lashed out at congress reddy leaders. He has warned that if BCs are not given reservations in telangana state, they will be trampled. At the same time, Teenmar Mallanna indirectly commented that komati reddy would defeat Venkata Reddy. During his MLC election, minister komati reddy called Venkata reddy collector asking whether Teenmar Mallanna would lose. But reminding the same thing, telangana minister komati reddy lashed out at Venkata Reddy. They vowed to defeat him indirectly without mentioning his name.
Moreover, Teenmar Mallanna has also issued a warning to the revanth reddy government to give a good budget to the BCs. With this, revanth Reddy's government has come out again. Of course, Teenmar Mallanna never knows how to speak. Recently they have scolded those leaders who are in the congress party.

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