​Dragon's big move.., hit Philippines's ship and then...?

S Venkateshwari
Dragon's big move.., hit Philippines's ship and then...?

The dispute between china and Philippines in South China sea is not taking the name of decreasing. Now both the countries have accused each other of hitting the ships. china has claimed that the Philippines' ship deliberately hit its ship. The Chinese Coastguard said that they have rescued the philippines personnel who fell into the sea after colliding with the Chinese ship in the disputed area. On the other hand, on Sunday, the philippines called China's claims baseless and said that the Chinese ship hit the Philippines' ship.

In fact, tension has increased between china and Philippines in the South china sea for the past few months. On Saturday, Manila alleged that china had fired flares on its patrol ships twice recently. Ignoring this decision of the international Tribunal, China has continued to claim almost the entire South china Sea, while the international Tribunal had said that China has no legal authority over it. The Chinese Coastguard said that the philippines ignored repeated warnings from china and collided with its ship.

Philippines did not obey China's orders

Chinese Coastguard spokesman Gan Yu said that this collision took place in the disputed sea area near Sabina Shoal. This sea area is 140 km west of the Philippines' Palawan Island and about 1,200 km from the Chinese territory Hainan Island. The Chinese spokesman said that this collision took place when a philippines ship was trying to deliver supplies to another ship near the Jianbin Reef in the Nansha Islands. The spokesman said that the philippines ship did not obey China's orders at that time.

China threatens Philippines

Chinese Coast Guard spokesman Gan Yu warned the philippines using the Chinese names of Sabina Shoal and Spratly Islands. He said that the philippines should stop all such activities, otherwise it will have to data-face serious consequences. In fact, the philippines also claims the Spratly Islands. The philippines said that its ships had to data-face aggressive attitude from China. While they were on a humanitarian mission to supply diesel, food and medicines to the fishermen of the Philippines.

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