Tea Shop Owner Raises Funds for Wayanad with 'FREE' tea

S Venkateshwari
Moi Feast
Sivakumar hails from Manganampatti near Porpanaikottai in Pudukkottai district.
He runs his own tea stall and helps a part of his earnings. In this way, Moi partyheld in his tea stall and  the money was collected by D.D. He has sent  it to the people affected by the wayanad landslide through the Pudukkottai Collector.
 Sivakumar Tea Shop
We spoke to some people from the area about this. Sivakumar has been running his own tea stall named 'Sri Bhagwan Tea Stall since 2012'. Initially, he was running a tea stall on Vamban 4 Road in Pattukottai Road. He has been running in the Kepparai area for the past two years. He uses the meagre earnings not only for his family but also for various social causes. In 2018, when the region was hit by Cyclone Gaja, he surprised his shop by waiving a loan of Rs 28,000 from customers.
Similarly, in his shop, milk is free for the disabled and children and he is implementing it. Similarly, when there was an economic crisis in Sri Lanka, he held a Moi feast in his shop last year and handed over Rs 16,000 collected from it to the tamil Nadu government. During the Corona period, Moi feast held at a tea stall and handed over Rs 20,000 collected from it to the government. Besides, with the help of his friends, he distributed groceries to people in the vicinity during the Corona lockdown.
 We spoke to Sivakumar about this.
"Though I used to help people with Moi feasts through my tea stall for various causes, the landslides and loss of lives in neighbouring wayanad kept me awake. So, I thought of doing what I could to help those people. I don't have the financial means to do it personally. So, as usual, I decided to organise the Moi feast, a cultural event in Pudukkottai and donate the money collected there. So, I posted on social media about Moi going to the party. I conveyed this information to those who came to the tea stall for tea.  I announced that the Moi feast would be held from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and that the Moi feast would be served with tea and vada. Many enthusiastically came and participated. We put up a hundi in front of the shop and collected moi through it and through the Gpay.
 Amount collected at Moi feast
Many people came with their families and participated in this function and helped in whatever way they could. Others made their children put money in the bill. To my astonishment, a 7th standard boy from Mettupatti who heard of this initiative brought out the hundi of Rs. 5000 that he had saved for the purchase of a bicycle and participated in this Moi feast. In this way, through online and the Moi feast held at the tea shop, the total collection of Rs. 48,200. I have sent it to the kerala Chief Minister's Relief Fund through the Pudukkottai district Collector. My efforts will continue," he said.

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