A Clash between TDP and Jana Sena..!?
It is said that there are no permanent friends in politics and no permanent enemies. politics also separates friends. It also separates husband and wife. Will it cause a rift in blood relations and prevent quarrels between allies? Now the same thing is happening in Andhra Pradesh. Jana Sena is getting stronger politically before our eyes. This is naturally causing discontent in the TDP. Recently Janasena's membership registration has received a good response. tdp is very cautious about the growth of Janasena's supremacy. Cadre along with many key leaders are finally disaffected leaders of tdp and are now leaving for Janasena.
There is some kind of fear among the tdp leaders that if the janasena gets stronger, what will happen to them in the future? If Pawan, who is currently in power, blocks it and strengthens the party across the state, it seems that Pawan's move is to contest in double seats in the next elections. If this happens, there will definitely be a clash between tdp and Jana Sena. Then whatever happens to these allies, they will surely become enemies.