Tamilnadu government's free bicycles are substandard!P. Chidambaram gave a shock to the DMK long ago.

S Venkateshwari
Tamilnadu government's free bicycles are substandard! P. chidambaram gave a shock to the DMK long ago.                                

CHENNAI: Senior congress leader p. chidambaram has strongly criticized the students in tamil Nadu who have been forced to sell the free bicycles given to students by the government as they are of substandard quality.

Senior congress leader and former Union minister p. chidambaram has said on his X website: students and teachers have commented on the poor quality of free bicycles provided to students by the government in tamil Nadu.

I am shocked to know that students are forced to sell these substandard bicycles without any other option. Which companies manufactured and supplied bicycles? Can't have more than 3-4 companies? P. Chidambaram requested that the tamil Nadu government should take legal action to return these substandard bicycles and replace them with quality bicycles.

To avail of this free bicycle the applicant must be a permanent resident of tamil Nadu. Candidate must have studied 11th standard. There should be students studying in government or government-aided or partially aided schools. Many poor students live many km from the school. This free bicycle scheme was brought because they live far away and have to walk to and from school and parents do not send them to school because of this difficulty. Apart from schools, candidates studying in industrial training institutes or ITIs in the state can apply and get this free bicycle from the tamil Nadu government.

While this free bicycle scheme continues to be offered, it was stopped during the spread of Corona. Subsequently, in 2022, the work of providing bicycles to the students was given. Free laptops are also provided.

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