Water crisis is increasing in the whole country including Delhi, global warming is the biggest reasonThe water crisis is deepening in India's capital Delhi. There can be many reasons for the increasing water crisis, the biggest reason being global warming.The water crisis is increasing in the whole of india including Delhi. There are many reasons for the increasing water crisis. Due to rapidly increasing urbanization and industrialization, pollution of water bodies has increased, due to which they are no longer fit for drinking. The biggest reason for the increasing water crisis day by day is global warming. Along with this, as the population is increasing and industrial activities are intensifying, the demand for water is increasing, due to which the water level in cities is going down.
What is global warming?
The increase in the average temperature of the Earth due to the increase in greenhouse gases (methane, carbon dioxide, oxide and chloro-fluoro-carbon) in the atmosphere is called global warming. This also causes climate change. Due to climate change, the weather pattern has deteriorated, affecting the availability of water across the country including Delhi.
Water shortage is a huge crisis
The consequences of water shortage are extremely devastating, especially in india, water shortage affects agriculture, the backbone of the country's economy. Water shortage reduces crop yield and increases the prices of food items. If there is no water, there will be no crop and if there is no crop, there will be no food and drink. If the water crisis continues to increase, the country will be surrounded by a huge crisis.
Water crisis increasing due to these reasons
The population is increasing rapidly in India. The growing population and this rapid urbanization has increased the demand for water. Apart from this, groundwater is an important source of water, but due to uncontrolled and uncontrolled use, the water level is decreasing. More than 90% of Delhi's water supply depends on groundwater and due to excessive exploitation, the water level goes down several meters every year.
Let us tell you that along with wasting water, people pollute the water. The river which once provided clean water is now completely contaminated due to toxic chemicals. In such a situation, the contaminated water cannot be used and the river water becomes useless. Apart from all these problems, improper water management is also a big reason, which results in huge loss of water.