Congress surrounded Bhajan Lal government

Congress surrounded Bhajan Lal government…

Undeclared power cuts in Kota are a problem. Undeclared power cuts are happening every day in almost every area of Kota, due to which the public is troubled. Even after the warning of the Energy minister, no improvement is being made. On the other hand, congress is continuously attacking bjp regarding this. This time Congress's women state president Rakhi gautam has taken the ministers to task. On the other hand, the Energy minister is continuously holding meetings of officials.

Energy minister Hiralal nagar has given strict instructions to CESC's franchise firm KEDL, the company doing power distribution in Kota, to improve the working system. He has said that KEDL should improve the system of power distribution in Kota and also promptly resolve the complaints of consumers related to tripping, unnecessary power cuts etc. minister nagar held a review meeting with jaipur Discom officials and KEDL officials in Vidyut Bhawan Jaipur. On this occasion, the Energy minister said that during his recent visit to Kota, public representatives, local citizens and traders had apprised him of complaints about the working style of the franchise company KEDL.

'There should be a strong system to prevent untimely power cuts'

Minister nagar directed that KEDL should improve the power supply system in Kota. He said that there should be a strong system to prevent unnecessary and untimely power cuts. Prior information about stopping power supply should be given to consumers. minister Hiralal nagar also directed that KEDL officials should meet the public representatives of Kota and take their feedback. The complaints of the public representatives should be resolved in a timely manner and informed. A separate system should be developed for this. On the instructions of nagar, on Thursday, KEDL officials discussed the power supply system with the public representatives in Kota and explained the outline of improvement. He assured to bring more changes in the working style as per their suggestions.

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