Jagan's Strong Officers in the Legal Department..!!

Sowmiya Sriram

Jagan's Strong Officers in the Legal Department..!!

-Four advisers have been appointed for legal advice.

-Four of them are related to the Justice Department.

-When problems arise, they try to solve them.

It is known that the ap ycp government has appointed 42 advisers. Among them, it is noteworthy that four advisers have been appointed for legal advice. They have worked as advisors to the government in the matter of legal complications data-faced in the high court and supreme Court. In terms of law, they have a good grip. And with the advice given by them, the government appeared for investigation in many cases. It is noteworthy that four of them are related to the Justice Department.

P.V.Ramanaraya is one of the legal advisors appointed by the government. He used to look after the legal services of the DGP Chief. That is, when legal complications arise, they directly coordinate with the DGP and discuss the issues. Like this, his advice was helpful in many cases. He gave good advice to the government, especially in the matter of Jio 1 last year. But, the high court dismissed them.

And, another consultant M. Nagaraghu also used to look after the legal services of the DGP Chief. He was a helper of ramana Raya. Even up to the supreme Court, they provide services. However, they are not straight ahead. When problems arise, they try to solve them. They give good advice. And, M.R. Provided legal services to saravana Kumar, CID Chief. The advice given by him was also very useful for the government in many contexts.

It is known that CID is an important department. This department has been active during the last two years. people like Chandrababu were also arrested. Saravanakumar played an important role in such matters. He actively dealt with what kind of advice to give. Similarly, legal services were provided to Inakollu Venkateshwarlu, Chief of the Special Investigation Team. It is noteworthy that a total of four officers are serving in the legal department.

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