AP: Postal ballot keeps alliance Tensed

It is expected that all the employees will be involved in the coalition this time. Recently, it seems that the tension of the coalition is starting even on the postal ballots.. The matter is now becoming viral that the postal ballot counting officials will consider it only if there is a signature of the gazetted officer. Due to the lack of knowledge about postal ballot, many employees have cast their votes without the signature of the gazetted officer.

However, the alliance leaders have informed the ec to consider those votes even without the gazetted officer's signature. Judging by this, it seems that the coalition is a bit afraid of postal ballots as well. postal ballot voting is very different from the past. This time, the chances of the votes being valid are not very high.. In 2019, 2.95 lakh people used postal ballot vote. Out of this, 56,545 votes were invalid, which means 20% of the votes were wasted.

But this time 4,442,218 people cast their votes through postal ballot. In the past, many employees used to sell postal ballot votes to political leaders and the leaders themselves used to take many precautions to make those votes valid. But this time it seems that the employees went directly to the polling station and voted. Since the employees cast their votes themselves, chances are high that most of them will be invalid. And to know to what extent the employees have changed their favor to which party, we have to wait till june 4th.. And it has to be seen whether the votes without gazetted signatures are valid or not.

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