Electoral Bonds: The largest fraud in the world...

S Venkateshwari

Electoral Bonds: The largest fraud in the world...

Prabhakar called the electoral bond program "the biggest scam in history" and charged that the government was using "extortion" tactics to fund politics. He continued, "It appears that the government is consciously frightening industrialists and extorting funds through the electoral bond scheme." The government's reaction to the supreme Court's remarks regarding the contentious electoral bond program disappointed the economist. "This government should be embarrassed of the supreme Court's remarks on electoral bonds," he stated. He concluded, "If he has integrity, he should leave the government."

Death threats

During the same interview, prabhakar disclosed that he receives death threats because he speaks out against narendra Modi. He described the difficulties he encountered when planning a meeting in gujarat, saying, "My supporters had suggested that I not come to gujarat as they were given information that I might be attacked in that meeting." prabhakar chose to go to ahmedabad anyhow, despite this. He spoke out against the Modi government at that gathering, which he also attended during this tour. Socio-political analyst prabhakar, who comes from an andhra pradesh political family, has previously collaborated extensively with the BJP. But he has been a vociferous opponent of narendra Modi's policies for the past few years.

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