This way of attacking Congress's wealth-distribution plan...

This way of attacking Congress's wealth-distribution plan...

The first phase of voting in the lok sabha elections has been completed and only a few days are left for the second phase of voting. Meanwhile, with the heat rising, the temperature is also rising due to political rhetoric. When prime minister narendra Modi attacked the congress manifesto in Banswara, he termed its wealth-distribution plan as a conspiracy to distribute it among infiltrators and people with more children. Only after that, opposition party leaders harshly criticized narendra Modi, calling it against a particular community. However, people from the Prime Minister's party and his supporters say that Modi had merely reminded former prime minister manmohan Singh's statement that Muslims have the first right to resources.

Prime Minister's statement surprising

Loss of restraint in indian elections is nothing new, but the statement of our first hero, the prime minister, has a very serious impact. Therefore, it was not right for the prime minister, whose slogan was 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, and Sabka Prayas', to target a section of India's 140 crore people, thereby rendering his opponent's manifesto breathless. In the economic-social structure of our country, village-city, caste-gender differences have more importance than religion, whether it is Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, or Christian. Villages are backward, cities are ahead. women are backward, men are ahead. In a deprived society, Pasmanda Muslims are in the majority and Hindus are socially and educationally backward, hence this statement of the prime minister is shocking.

As far as manmohan Singh's speech is concerned, his speech is in english, and Modi's speech is in Hindi. The language of the speech to which he referred was different. We can give the benefit of this to the present prime minister that while translating something said in english into Hindi, its meaning got ruined. However, manmohan Singh's statement talked about deprived India, tribals, Dalits, Pasmandas, etc. were all mentioned in it. Now by removing a piece from it, the context changed.

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