Increase in price of oil, groceries.!!Each family will spend Rs.2000 more per month.! Ramadoss

Increase in price of oil, groceries.!!Each family will spend Rs.2000 more per month.! Ramadoss

In the last few months, the price of rice has gone up to Rs.15 per kg and the public has been severely affected. Ramadoss said that now the prices of other commodities have also increased and the situation has become unmanageable for the people.

 Increase in price of grocery items

In a statement issued by Bhamak Corporation Ramadoss regarding the rise in the prices of essential commodities including groceries, the prices of oil and groceries in tamil Nadu have gone up drastically in the last month. Prices of pulses, turmeric, and chili powder have gone up by Rs 15 per kg. The prices of grocery items including pepper, cumin, chilies, and coriander have gone up to Rs.50 per kg. oil prices have gone up to Rs 30 per liter. Due to this, the poor and middle-class people have been severely affected. The Ramadoss condemns the tamil Nadu government for controlling the price of grocery items.

Tamil Nadu government is responsible

Due to the increase in the price of essential commodities including oil and groceries, the monthly expenditure of poor and middle-class families has increased up to Rs. If scarcity of essential commodities is one reason for the increase in prices, the tamil Nadu government's negligence in preventing hoarding of those commodities is another reason. In that way, the tamil Nadu government should be responsible for the price hike. In the last few months, the price of rice has gone up to Rs.15 per kg and the public has been severely affected. Now the prices of other commodities have also gone up, making it unaffordable for people.

Price watch Committee.?

It is condemnable that the tamil Nadu government has not taken any action to control the price of essential commodities when there are reports that the prices will increase further. The tamil Nadu government must control the price rise. It is for this that the Price Monitoring Committee is functioning under the leadership of the minister of Food and Consumer Protection. Is the price watch committee aware of the increase in the prices of ghee, dal, and grocery items across tamil Nadu including Chennai? Has the Price Monitoring Committee submitted reports on this to the government to facilitate taking measures to control prices? It is not known.

Offer affordable price

The tamil Nadu government should immediately take measures to control the price rise. To control the price of oil and pulses, the number of pulses and palm oil issued to family cards at fair-price shops should be increased to 2 kg. As already announced by the tamil Nadu government, the fair price shops should once again supply urad at affordable prices. Ramadoss said that he would insist on subsidizing the provision of grocery items through fair-price shops.

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