Jodhpur's Nirupa Patwa takes a big step to advance women!!!

Half of the world's population is women. For them, yesterday i.e. 8th march was celebrated as international Women's Day. This day is a day to salute the achievements of women. On this day, all the achievements of women including cultural, political, social and economic are celebrated as a festival. At the same time, women are also made to realize how special they are.

On international Women's Day, there are some special women who are doing special work for the upliftment of women and children in the society. One such woman is Nirupa Patwa who lives in Jodhpur. She has been working for the upliftment of women and society for the last many years. She believes that if women develop, everything will automatically be fine at home, in the city and in the country. On international Women's Day, Nirupa Patwa said that generally most women remain confined to their families.

Started work five years ago

Nirupa Patwa told that despite women having a lot of talent, they do not get the right platform. Keeping this in mind, exactly five years ago I started working with five women. Today more than 200 women are in our group. women are taught talent through this group. By giving the right platform to their talent, they are also provided employment, so that women become self-reliant. He told that many self-defense camps have been organized and about 10 thousand women have been trained.

Gave right platform to women – Nirupa Patwa

Nirupa Patwa told that we have organized many types of camps for women. Many types of sessions have been started for good touch, bed touch, mental health. women are getting benefits from this. Not only this, our organization has already provided school materials to 40 thousand poor children. Nirupa told that we have given the right platform to many women under our organization, due to which those women are doing their business from home and are becoming self-reliant.

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