General Elections: Generating issues to influencing public opinion...

S Venkateshwari
General Elections: Generating issues to influencing public opinion...

The national elections, or lok sabha elections, are about to take place this evening. There are still around two and a half months left before this election. There is also an increase in political activity in the form of political accusations and denials. Each political party is reportedly working completing the details of its state-level strategy. The true problem with the elections is being overlooked in all of this. The fight between political parties over actual concerns pertaining to the interests of the populace should theoretically be the main focus of general elections. On the other hand, the exact opposite is occurring.

Political parties' vested personal interests predominate

Real concerns pertaining to the requirements of the public are losing ground to political ones based on the party's personal interests as the general election date approaches. The leaders of all the parties are merely using comments to criticize one another. The political back-and-forth of accusations and counter-allegations is pushing questions like what the public wants, what the actual problems facing the public are, and what the public thinks about the elections to the back burner. These topics appear to be losing their relevance in the larger political and media discourse.

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