Jagan - Wrong Strategy at the Wrong Time!

The ysr congress party met with jagan MOHAN REDDY' target='_blank' title='ys jagan mohan reddy-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">ys jagan mohan reddy and its social media staff the other day. social media users have been making fun of jagan after seeing a video of the meeting in which he appears to be having trouble responding to a question on entrepreneurship skills. The girl who posed the query turned out to be a YouTuber who creates Reels rather than the entrepreneur that was previously reported. That embarrassed the ysr congress as well. Just before the elections, the gathering let loose a bag of worms for the party.

A lot of the party's social media staff was disappointed that they weren't invited, and that invites were sent to people with connections even though they weren't party employees. Within the political circles, there are rumors that some of them received airline tickets and were put up in large hotels in Vizag. After the meeting, there were also a lot of rumors circulating on ysr Congress's social media about their receiving expensive presents. Because of this, the party's employees were extremely dissatisfied and were taking to social media to express their resentment at the organization.

Others who were not invited are getting irritated because others who were are showing off their advantages on social media. Those who were invited to talk with jagan but were denied access were equally furious. They claim that legitimate employees were silenced. According to sources, I-PAC was a major factor in the decision to have this summit. Rather than showing concern for the employees who have been there for the past five years, they concentrated on the influencers who will be useful in the upcoming three weeks. With just three weeks until the elections, this disappointment poses a serious threat to the party's survival.

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