Central government has blocked 36,000 web addresses!?

frame Central government has blocked 36,000 web addresses!?

In 2018, the number of Internet addresses banned by the IT Ministry was 2,799, while 7,502 Internet addresses have been blocked till october this year. Union minister of State Rajiv chandrasekhar said in the parliament that the Central Information technology Department has ordered to block 36,838 internet addresses of social media companies from 2018 to october 2023. Under Section 69A of the Information technology Act, 2000, minister Rajiv said that websites containing posts that disturb national integrity, security, friendly relations with foreign states or disturb public order or incite crimes are closed. john Brittas had also asked to share details of orders issued by the central government to block or remove posts, accounts or hashtags on social media platforms including twitter and Facebook.

Responding to this, minister rajeev Chandrasekhar said that from 2018 to october this year, the central government has sent a maximum of 13,660 orders to social media company Twitter.

While 224 orders were sent in 2018, this number increased to 1041 in 2019, 2,731 in 2020, 2,851 in 2021 and 3,423 in 2022. As of october 2023, 3,390 orders have been sent to Twitter.

From 2018 to october this year, 10,197 orders have been issued to Facebook. minister Rajiv mentioned that 3,023 orders have been sent to Instagram, 5,759 orders to YouTube and 4,199 orders to other social media. rajeev Chandrasekhar said, "It is the government's policy to ensure that the Internet in india is safe, reliable and that all users are responsible."

In 2018, the number of Internet addresses banned by the IT Ministry was 2,799, while 7,502 Internet addresses have been blocked till october this year. In 2020, a maximum of 9,849 web addresses were blocked by social networking sites.

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