PM Modi sent letters to students separately in Tamil..!?

Sekar Chandra
Prime minister Modi has sent separate letters of appreciation in tamil to the students of Karur School. For the past five years, prime minister Narendra Modi has been conducting the Parikhsha Bey Sarcha discussion program called "Prepare for the Examination" to encourage the students who are going to appear for the examination to data-face the examination with courage and fearlessness. Accordingly, the 6th annual event was held last January. This event, which is usually held in February, was held in january this year.

Prime minister Modi attended the program through video link along with students, teachers and parents. Following this, prime minister Modi has separately sent letters of appreciation in tamil to the students of Karur school who participated in the event. In this regard, bjp State President annamalai said on his twitter page, "Every year, prime minister of india Modi addresses on the topic 'Prepare for Exams' to dispel the fear of public exams to the students who are facing public exams and to instill confidence in the young generation. It is customary to share with them. The news is very heartening that after the students and teachers of Karur Vennamalai bharani Vidyalaya and bharani Park Higher Secondary school registered their views on public examination with the Hon'ble prime minister of india, the prime minister has personally sent 1,002 letters of appreciation to each of them in Tamil. No doubt it will be a huge motivation for all the students.

On behalf of the tamil Nadu bjp, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the prime minister of india, Modi, for this kind act of encouraging the students. I congratulate and congratulate all the students and teachers of bharani Vidyalaya school for receiving the letter of appreciation from the prime minister of India.”

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