Deependra Singh Hooda said “He is inspired by the struggle of farmer brothers”.


Earlier on 19 november 2021, PM Modi withdrew the agricultural laws. Today, on november 19, rajya sabha MP

from haryana Congress, Deependra Singh Hooda, remembering the same day, tweeted on X and wrote that my

farmer brothers. Today is the day when the government and its arrogance had to bow down before your holy

Satyagraha and all three black laws had to be withdrawn. A movement which many conspiracies were hatched

to defame and attempts were made to tarnish the image of the agitating farmers, but despite being burnt in the

fire of hatred, this movement remained as pure as gold.

‘Inspired by the struggle of farmer brothers’

Deependra Singh Hooda further wrote that this was the movement of independent india in which there was

neither any violence of any kind, nor any individual was harassed nor any politics was involved. The farmer’s

movement is an inspiration for the youth of this era in which the people of the nation There is a feeling of

dedication. I, Deependra Hooda, consider myself fortunate that I too could sacrifice my struggle from the streets

to the parliament in this movement to protect the self-respect of farmers. I was in jail for 3 days for protesting

against the Lakhimpur farmer massacre, was targeted by social media and mainstream media, was surrounded

by absurd allegations, but it was the inspiration I got from the struggle of you farmer brothers due to which I

never had the courage. Did not lose.

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