Governor Gehlot felicitates change starters in Bengaluru..!?

Governor Thawarchand Gehlot felicitated the achievers in various fields at the Naam Bangalore Awards ceremony organized by Naam Bangalore Foundation. My congratulations to all our Bangalore Award winners for their commitment and memorable contributions. Their contributions have not only made this city a better place to live in, but also set a good example for others. They have proved that changes start with a single step. That step can impact our future more effectively, sustainably and holistically, said governor Thawarchand Gehlot.
Yesterday (Saturday) in the city held in the city, the Namma Bengaluru Pratisthan Kodamadama gave awards to the achievers in various fields. This time Justice Dr. M.N. Venkatachaliah, Lifetime Achievement Award, Albina Shankar, Our Bangalorean of the Year Award, Dr B.B. Raghunath, government Officer of the Year Award, Indumati, Social Entrepreneur of the Year Award and Ankitpuri, Rising Star of the Year Award. Commenting on the awards, Jury Committee Chairman pradeep said, “20 people have been invited for the final round in five categories and all those achievers have contributed well in their respective fields. The judging panel had to hold many meetings and go through lengthy deliberations to select the final winners. It was a challenging process. We are grateful to the citizens of Bangalore who nominated the achievers for the award. These achievers are an inspiration to all of us, he said.
Vinod Jacob, General Manager, NBF said, “Through our Bangalore Awards, we are celebrating the achievements of outstanding achievers who have changed Bangalore. Their commitment to the community and their contribution to making our Bangalore a better place to live is an inspiration to this city. They are of the opinion that the contributions of these pros who serve quietly without any publicity will be an inspiration to us all and brighten the future of the city. Through our Bangalore Awards, our Bangalore Foundation recognizes and honors the outstanding achievers and common people who have made an unforgettable contribution to making the city of Bangalore a better place to live. This is a true way of saying a big thank you to them. Empowering citizens to bring meaningful changes in the

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