What is contained in the G20 Summit's New Delhi Declaration?

S Venkateshwari
What is contained in the G20 Summit's New delhi Declaration?


The G-20 Summit in New Delhi's opening day, Saturday, september 9, saw the announcement of the adoption of the G-20 Joint Declaration. According to PM Modi, the G-20 adopted the New delhi Leaders Summit Declaration with the approval of the member nations. The New delhi Leaders Declaration, according to India, will serve as the voice of the "Global South" and developing nations. Countries that are less developed economically are commonly referred to as being in the "Global South." Let's go over the key points of the 37-page New delhi Declaration.

The New delhi Manifesto stated that we have the chance to create a better future and that no country should ever be forced to choose between fighting for the planet and fighting to end poverty. In order to promote women's full, equal, and productive participation in the economy as decision-makers, we are dedicated to closing the gender gap. Members of the G20 vowed to cooperate with businesses to promote cost savings and ease of doing business. We reaffirmed the nation's position and the resolutions passed by the UNSC and UNGA regarding the conflict in Ukraine. The goals and guiding principles of the United Nations Charter should guide all nations' actions.

All States must refrain from threatening territorial acquisition or using force against the territorial integrity, sovereignty, or political independence of any State in accordance with the UN Charter. It is unacceptable to use or even suggest using nuclear weapons. According to the G-20 declaration, the conflict in ukraine has complicated international relations, particularly for developing and least-developed nations. In order to occupy another country's territory, no country should use or threaten to use force against that nation's territorial integrity. The declaration emphasised that the current era is not one of war and urged all nations to uphold the fundamentals of international law, such as territorial integrity and sovereignty.

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