Telangana govt to recruit 1,520 Multi-Purpose Health Assistant posts
The compensation for applicants would vary from Rs. 31,040 to Rs. 92,050 depending on experience. The MPHA (women) applicants will be chosen using a 100-point scoring system, of which 80 points will come from the written exam and 20 points will come from experience working in state government hospitals, institutes, and programs as both contract and outsourced workers.
The ability to submit applications online will be available starting at 10.30 am on august 25 at, and the deadline is 5 pm on september 19. health Minister T harish rao remarked, "Job mela in health, Medical and Family Welfare in telangana continues," praising the Chief Minister's move to boost basic healthcare by hiring 1520 MPHAs. The announcement to fill 1520 MPHA positions has been made. I'd want to wish all the candidates well. The recruitment process will be carried out by the telangana State Medical and health Services Recruitment Board (MHSRB).