Thumb impression for TSPSC Group-IV exam
Recently, the telangana State Public service Commission (TSPSC) changed its mind on taking biometric thumb impressions. "At the end of the examination in each session, candidates should affix their left thumb impression (or any other finger impression if they do not have a left thumb) in the space provided in the nominal roll after handing the OMR sheet to the invigilator," the Commission said.
For the morning session exam, candidates may enter the facility beginning at 8 a.m., and the gates will close at 9:45 a.m. admittance into the centre for the afternoon session exam will open at 1 pm, with the final admittance being at 2.15 pm. After the gate has been closed, no candidate will be let inside the centre. Candidates have been urged to research the center's location beforehand.
Candidates must have one of the original, current, picture identity cards provided by the government, such as a passport, PAN card, voter ID, Aadhaar card, government employee ID, driving licence, etc. in addition to the hall ticket they acquired from the Commission's website (https://www.tspsc.gov.in).
Additionally, the Commission advised candidates to visit facilities wearing just chappals and no shoes. It is forbidden to carry any tools or recording equipment strapped to your body or kept in your pockets, including calculators, mathematical tables, log books, pagers, mobile phones, tablets, pen drives, Bluetooth devices, watches, log tables, wallets, handbags, writing pads, notes, charts, or loose sheets. The Commission said, "Possession of the same will result in invalidation of candidature for the examination/examinations."