Who is the next China..!? Can we create another China..?

frame Who is the next China..!? Can we create another China..?

Sowmiya Sriram
Who is the next China..!? Can we create another China..?

To produce the products they need at a cheap price, international companies have set up production bases in china in the last 10-15 years through alliances or investments and have seen profits. But now these same international companies are moving their production bases to other countries because they no longer want china due to various problems.
Can we really create another China?

Creating another china, creating the world's 2nd largest manufacturing base, and replacing china with another country in manufacturing will all be pleased to talk about. But not really possible. While building manufacturing plants for all sectors is a Himalayan task, on one hand, on the other hand, the infrastructure, road structure, transport structure, and export and import platform must run like a clock without any hiatus for many years. Similarly, building supply chains and suppliers to move manufactured goods from one country to the rest of the world is not something that can be done today, tomorrow, or next year, it takes years. It is an undeniable fact that for more than 20 years, china has provided excellent infrastructure and all the facilities and facilities required for the industry to international manufacturers. It currently has a manufacturing base for all sectors in China.
For example, it has a mega-data-sized manufacturing base for products that are not exported from the country. In this way, the non-commercial sector has a production base to accept the production order from any brain in the world. The Chinese government companies have done well all the infrastructures such as road, transport, and supply chain needed to quickly transport the products produced in this factory to the export site.
Despite some ups and downs in the Chinese economy, the fact remains that China's dominance in the international economy will not change for the next 10-15 years. At present, USA, Vietnam, and indonesia are mentioned as alternative production bases to China.The countries of the world that used to scoff at made in china are now ruling the world's manufacturing market.
China's strength lies not only in manufacturing but also in technical services, financial services, and manufacturing of technical goods, and it has been able to dominate all three by continuously improving quality and efficiency.

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