As per the recent COVID data in tamil Nadu, 3867 people were tested positive for the deadly virus and the death toll increased by 72. However, on a good sign, no deaths have been reported from 15 districts in tamil Nadu. tamil Nadu health Minister Ma. Subramanian has confessed that it is really a good sign and it also indicates that tamil Nadu is recovering fast from this deadly virus after being affected for the past few weeks.
So far, 33,005 people have passed away due to this deadly virus, and yesterday alone 4382 people have got recovered. 35294 patients are still undergoing the recovery phase. It should be recalled that tamil Nadu state was reporting more than 400 deaths every day due to this second wave and the entire state was in a panic mode and people were scared.
Even the newly formed DMK government was left clueless in handling this crisis situation and later after imposing a complete lockdown situation started to get back to normal. From today, tamil Nadu government has eased lots of restrictions and places of worship can be opened along with bus transportation and other relaxations too.