Swiss Citizens brought government’s arguments of basic minimum income.

Sekar Chandra
Sources have revealed that the Swiss have rejected 76.9% to 23.1% a proposal for the government to pay every adult citizen a minimum income of 2,500 francs a month and every child 625 francs and that such a vote took place is a significant development, indicative of the changes taking place in society.

The Economist has also pointed out that the dystopia in which robots and artificial intelligence take away all human work is still a work in progress that might or might not materialize in the distant future and more Swiss citizens have bought the government's arguments than of the proponents of the basic minimum income.

The popular response to single issue referenda tend has to be decided on the basis of appeal of the question put to vote, regardless of its forward and backward linkages. The Swiss might make cuckoo clocks, but they do not live in any cuckoo land.

Larger and larger shares of social output had to be gathered by the government and redeployed to meet society's ever more complex collective requirements, whether defense, education, healthcare, R&D, regulation or social security.

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