NRI arrested for tossing newborn in Florida creek

An Indian-American lady who abandoned her newborn child into a florida inlet four years ago has been charged with first-degree murder. According to The New York Post, which cited police authorities, arya Singh, 29, who was detained on Thursday, admitted to the crime by stating that "she didn't know what to do with her (infant)". The infant's body was discovered floating in the Boynton beach inlet on june 1, 2018, having been dumped "like a piece of trash," according to Palm beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw.

It causes heartache, according to Bradshaw. Singh admitted to the police that she was not even aware of her pregnancy before giving delivery. Detective Brittany Christoffel, who oversaw the case, said the woman "didn't know what to do with her and she still had her with her and she just decided that's where she was going to dispose of her." The infant was reportedly considered to be alive when she was dumped into the water, according to the daily.

A relative who appeared in a national dna database eventually helped investigators identify the baby's father after they had struggled for years to crack the case. The father agreed to a dna test and provided information to the detectives regarding a lady he was seeing at the time. He claimed that Singh informed him of her pregnancy at the time, but took care of it. According to Christoffel, the father assumed that this meant an abortion. By cleaning up the trash Singh tossed out, investigators were able to collect clandestine dna that belonged to Singh, according to The New York Post.

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