“Games of Thrones” cover with Indian beats

Sekar Chandra
Sources have stated that an Indian belly dancer has given her own twist to the Game of Thrones theme. In a recent video, Meher Malik has performed to a viral cover of the intense theme by fellow Indian percussionist Karan Chitra Deshmukh.

It is stated that Malik has danced to a cover of the theme performed on the tabla, a traditional South Asian percussion instrument. Malik, who has featured in a reality dance show and runs a dance school in Delhi, adapts her movements to the theme's Indian beats with considerable skill.

Presently the belly dance has gone viral all over the Internet, which was posted on July 13th and the video has already amassed a viewership of 205k on Facebook and over 2.3k reactions and 900 shares.

It is stated that the party is not yet over for the GOT fans who believe that they have seen and has heard every possible rendition of the GOT theme. It’s time for them to sway a little more to the tunes of GOT theme and Malik is shown in the video as dancing to the haunting theme in full swing, missing not a single beat.

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