Sandalwood celebrity and girlfriend in custody...

S Venkateshwari
Sandalwood celebrity and girlfriend in custody...

Actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, popularly known as Challenging Star Darshan, was taken into custody on tuesday in connection with the suspected murder of Renukaswamy, a 33-year-old native of Chitradurga. The actor was brought into custody from his Mysuru farmhouse and is currently being held at the Annapoorneshwarinagar police station in Bengaluru. The victim allegedly exchanged explicit messages on social media with Darshan's purported girlfriend Pavithra Gowda, according to Commissioner of police B Dayananda. Following his notification of the same, the 47-year-old actor—who is married to vijayalakshmi Darshan—went on to write the history. A food delivery worker noticed Renukaswamy's body beneath Sumanahalli Bridge and promptly reported it to the police. The first suspects to be taken into jail are said to be members of Darshan's fan club, and they revealed information about the actor's role in the case.

Current case updates

While being detained for six days, Darshan is being questioned by the police. Along with the actor, there have been about 13 arrests, including that of his alleged girlfriend, Pavithra Gowda. To prevent any protests or mob gatherings, the police station where he is being questioned has been roped off and Section 144 enforced around it. We contacted the police station and an officer there assured us that they did not communicate with the media.

Reports state that Darshan allegedly promised three men ₹5 Lakhs apiece in exchange for accepting responsibility for the case. On tuesday night, cartons of biryani were seen being brought into the police station, sparking rumors that the actor and his assistants were having a feast while incarcerated. This incident also caused a sensation on the internet. According to a news article, Bengaluru police later refuted such allegations, saying that Darshan just had idlies for supper and that the biryani was for the police kabbadi team. vijayalakshmi unfollowed Darshan's accounts on tuesday night before deactivating her social media accounts as of right now.

The karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce will meet on wednesday to debate their position on Darshan following a state-wide protest that called for justice and a ban on the actor. Actors from Sandalwood have mostly remained mute since the incident. HT City was unable to get a response from any of the actors when we contacted them.

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