Union Minister Rajiv Chandrasekhar's warning on social media..!?
Writing about actress rashmika Mandanna's fake video on his social media page, Union minister Rajeev chandrasekhar said, 'The Modi government is concerned about the safety of users of all wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital and internet sites. However, in this era of increasing use of technology, social media platforms have to be careful about this. Such acts are condemnable. This is proven to be a deepfake video with evidence. bollywood actor amitabh bachchan also condemned this act and stood by actress Rashmika.
In today's age of technology, such acts are not new. But, proper law is needed to prevent such malpractices. Because, such moves of getting someone to auction someone's dignity are not welcome. Like actress Rashmika's fake video came today, many others may come tomorrow. Who is responsible for the mental anguish they go through until the video is proven to be a deepfake?