Controversial Remarks - Anchor Suma Apologizes - WATCH

Media outlets have received a formal apology from renowned television presenter suma kanakala for comments she made during an event. suma apologised and asked for pardon from the media community in a video that she shared on her social media accounts.
"I really apologise to all of my friends in the media for whatever annoyance my remarks during the occasion may have caused. I sincerely apologise for the impact of my comments. I am aware of the difficulties and labour you all put into your work. In the video, suma stated, "I apologise from the bottom of my heart and I am grateful for your support.

The incident happened during the "Leelammo" song launch party for the upcoming film "Adikesava." The event's host, suma, made a casual comment about media people snacking throughout the show. This caused several members of the media to express their disapproval, which prompted suma to address the matter in the video.
Suma stated that her remark was intended as a lighthearted jest and accepted that it was improper. She gave the media community comfort by saying she appreciated and respected what they did. The anchor said that she has been travelling and meeting new people, viewing them as members of her extended family, and that she is sorry for any hurt feelings she may have caused.

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