Renowned tollywood actress neha shetty is renowned for her immaculate sense of style. She has captured the attention of her followers once more with an opulent picture session that is trending on social media. neha shetty appears to be sporting a sophisticated outfit consisting of matching sharara leggings and a brown and white embroidered crop top with pearl embellishments in the latest pictures. She wore her hair in a high-rise bun with a center parting and pearl stud earrings as an accessory, going for a natural makeup appearance. Fans are in complete amazement at her amazing beauty.
Neha wore a red minidress with no sleeves in another batch of pictures, highlighting her understated makeup with bright red lips. She wore her wavy hair down and accessorized with a ring and a pair of big earrings. Her beautiful demeanor is shown by her caption, "Just a bit red obsessed."Neha Shetty most recently starred in Rathinam Krishna's romantic comedy Rules of Ranjann. Hyper Aadi, kiran Abbavaram, and ajay all had significant parts in the film.
Neha is currently shooting Gangs of Godavari, an upcoming movie. With Goparaju ramana and sai kumar in supporting parts, this historical action picture, directed by krishna Chaitanya, stars Nassar, Vishwak Sen, and anjali in major roles. The film, which is set in the coastal areas of eluru and Godavari in the 1980s, examines the complex relationships between politicians and gang culture. Now, the big question is will Neha enter tamil Cinema as she rejects offers despite getting a plenty