Inside Talk: Star Heroine’s Manager ‘Attitude’

frame Inside Talk: Star Heroine’s Manager ‘Attitude’

S Venkateshwari
He reportedly began his career in obscurity by managing events for Tollywood's Tier-3 and then Tier-2 heroes and ladies. From there, he reportedly climbed to popularity. Later, he took on the role of manager for a famous heroine who has starred in nearly all of South India's glitzy resort cities. But she fired him back then, and now that he's booking dates for another star heroine, trouble is brewing for the producers.
This individual is currently in charge of scheduling dates for one of Tollywood's most popular actresses, who also happens to be quite busy. This "manager" is not only responding appropriately but also displaying a lot of temper tantrums to producers and directors when they question him about not assigning dates appropriately or if they are asking about anything linked to her.
He is alleged to have practically shown stars to a high-level producer who recently requested him for the dates of that heroine for the marketing of a recent film. There is widespread speculation in the film industry that his attitude won't allow him to survive for very long because the young heroine may also soon replace him.

Additionally, the manager is said to have been involved in choosing the sponsors and scheduling her for more commercials rather than making her accessible for the films that had paid her enormously. Because of their genuineness and modest demeanour, certain managers in the movie business have been in charge of some celebrity heroines' dates for more than 20 years. To continue in the film industry for a long time, I hope this manager also changes his mentality.

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