Actor Sarathkumar, who is a leading actor in tamil cinema, married Saya Devi in 1984 and gave birth to a daughter named Varalakshmi. After 16 years of marital life, there was a difference of opinion and in the year 2000, they both got divorced and separated. Sarathkumar has been married to actress radhika for a few years now. But Saya Devi lives with her daughter Varalakshmi Sarathkumar.
Saya Devi, who has not revealed herself to the outside world, recently shared about her divorce in an interview. In that, all the people around are getting married, forced at home and thinking that they are getting old. Many people get married and live without liking that marriage and finally ended up in break-up and divorce.
During divorce and separation, the question is asked whether the young child wants a father or a mother. That is very wrong. Both mother and father are important to the child. Divorced women have to data-face many problems. Saya Devi said that she also went through those problems and many girls are being helped through Save Shakti, a foundation for women. Saya Devi also said that my daughter Varalakshmi started the foundation.