Recently, shruti haasan made waves with her statement asking moviemakers to portray women more realistically. shruti discussed the difficulties she encountered when dancing in the snow while wearing just a saree and a blouse in Waltair Veerayya. Her comment, however, made headlines for all the wrong reasons. In response, shruti said that her comments had been misinterpreted and that no one should try to draw conclusions by adding two and two.
"I have always discussed my experiences and offered my viewpoint on my life. As much as I appreciate the freedom of speech on social media and in the media at large, it makes me laugh that something like this, which many artists, including myself, have discussed in the past, would be exaggerated to such an extreme now. These situations are uncalled for, but I tend to joke about and discuss important topics in a lighthearted manner, so a few troublemakers won't change that.
Shruti Haasan responded to the criticism of her previous statement about how difficult it is for an actress to dance in the snow with, "Troublemakers are not going to change my nature. For those who are unaware, shruti recently participated in a fan event in chennai where she discussed how difficult it is for actresses to do dance sequences in the snow.