An epic film series called "Ponnniyin Selvan" was developed in kollywood by the acclaimed director Mani Ratnam and Lyca Productions, based on the renowned book by Kalki. The sequel to PS-1, which topped the box office last year, will hit theatres on april 28. There have already been rumours that the producers will release the PS-2 teaser on march 1 and the first song on Valentine's Day.
However, according to the most recent reports, the first single will be released by the end of February. According to sources, the major audio and trailer launch ceremony for ponniyin selvan 2 will take place at Chennai's Nehru Stadium on march 29. Numerous prominent politicians and celebrities are reportedly being invited as guests to the historic occasion. Also anticipated is a formal update on the teaser and debut track.
Both portions' soundtracks were written by AR Rahman, with the filming and editing handled by ravi Varman and Sreekar Prasad. Unquestionably one of the most eagerly awaited movies of 2023 is PS-2. The plot of ponniyin selvan centres on the Chola dynasty's internal civil battle for the throne and the Pandyas' plot to exact revenge on the Cholas, which takes place in the 10th century.