Butta Bomma Fails at Box Office too

Butta Bomma is directed by Shouree chandrasekhar T Ramesh. It is a remake of Kappela, a malayalam film. Like any remake, the movie's setting must be in tune with the target audience's regional culture. The telugu film Butta Bomma takes place in Uttar Andhra, a tiny town. It has been the preferred location for numerous malayalam remakes in recent years due to topographic similarities. People, as well as traditions and culture, vary, nevertheless. 

Here, we can observe the problems with remakes and the absence of the nativity element. And Butta Bomma has the same issue. As soon as the story begins, disaster ensues. There are many visible surdata-face-level changes, but none of them are profound. It tries very hard to appear natural yet is quite fake. The natural flow of the original is never observed as a result.

Therefore, the first hour, which heavily relies on the world, its structures, and its characters obstructing the space, doesn't click. Instead of naturally being there, they have the appearance of being imported stereotypes. It gives the story an unnatural appearance and prevents the dramatic and entertaining moments from emerging from the story. Everything becomes dull and flat as a result.

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