COBRA - Why such a worst movie for Vikram?

Cobra is directed by ajay Gnanamuthu, who is known for Demonte Colony and Imaikka Nodigal (Anjali cbi in Telugu). High anticipation for the movie were caused by Ajay's past movies, the epic scope of Cobra, the technicians, and working with vikram for the first time. For his part, ajay Gnanamuthu chose a novel setting for this outdata-sized production starring a star cum performer like Vikram. vikram finds a lot of excitement and thrills in it.
The first half of the story, which is about the killings, is obviously inspired. However, localising it requires work, and the director should receive some of the credit. We call it "partial" because he hasn't fully simplified the situation and has instead kept it dense and complicated. The experience is further diminished by the nature of them that makes them difficult to believe. Despite the difficulties, it is fascinating to watch the events unfold as the story is told. The suspense of a thriller story makes the reader want to know what will happen next. Despite the sporadic romance track, the main mystery keeps the audience interested.
The intermission is well done and lays the groundwork for the exciting suspense and action to come. For a first-time watcher, the anticipation for the big reveal reaches an all-time high. Unfortunately, things only become worse as the second half progresses. At the start of the year, a behemoth experienced a similar situation. The tone of the narrative completely shifts. Cobra, which started out as a riveting action thriller, turns into a dull drama in the second half. All the enthusiasm is killed by the drawn-out and tiresome flashback.

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