My body is not yours; Actress Farah Shibla's Mass Response...!

Actors control their body weight very quickly, perform makeovers and act in movies. But Farah Shibla is the actress who was shocked by such a makeover.
Farah will play the lead role of Asif ali in the movie Kakshi Amminippilla. Farah Shibla, who had a stellar performance in her first film, was the talk of the town.
Now, the actress has done a photoshoot with a slightly glamorous look.
At the same time, Farah's caption was more captivating than the picture in the swimsuit.
The actress came up with a strong response to those who criticize her badly about her body. read the full post ...
'My body is not yours to criticize and discuss. My body is not a commodity for your consumption. Only I can understand the battles my body has data-faced. It is a library of love, pain, struggle, success and mystery.
Do not come to price my body. Sophie Lewis' words "Leave it to me" were shared by the actress with the photo. The greatest revolution is to love oneself. The actress has also indicated that your body and health are your choices.
The actress came on stage wearing a swimsuit to silence the critics. Shibila Farah appeared in the film with a yellow swimsuit titled Birming Farah.
The actress has also given hashtags like body positivity and stop physical commentary below the pictures. Fans have taken to the actress' words that our biggest revolution is only body and health.
Actors like Prithviraj, Nivin Pauly and Fahad fazil often add and subtract for acting in films. Shibla shocked everyone by reducing her weight from 85 kg to 65 and gaining weight again for the film.
 Looking at the first photo of the actress and the one after the makeover, it is an unbelievable makeover.
Shibla has previously spoken openly about having bad experiences with her body. Once upon a time, while travelling with his father, some people asked him if he had a wife with him.
It was asked by someone who had never seen his mother. When he heard that question, he became very tired. But in an earlier interview, the actress said that it would be salt that hurt her more.

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